Faith-based singer-songwriter Leslie Jordan has provided an update from California. She’s currently in a recording studio working on a project that honors her grandfather’s poetry. As she explains it in a newsletter entry, she was gifted the poetry and short stories of her grandfather nearly a decade ago. Despite having never met the man, Jordan poured over the work and felt a kinship with him.

She admits that some might overlook it or find it insignificant but for her it allowed her to connect to a part of herself she didn’t know she was missing. His story, words and life inspired her. Here was a man who was lost to a series of bad decisions, loneliness, addiction and insecurity. But that sense of frailty and rawness inspired her and she decided to set those words to music.

As she explains it: “After making music in Nashville for the better part of 15 years, I thought this project needed a change of scenery. I arrived in Los Angeles two days ago to begin this record with new friends, in a new (to me) studio. I am honored to be in the company of legends who are helping bring these songs to live. Yesterday we live-tracked three songs in one room, no headphones, no click track, it was pure magic. If you’re willing I’d love to take you on this ride with me and I promise to tell you one hell of a story.”

Jordan was one half of the faith-based duo All Sons and Daughters. When the duo parted ways in 2018, Jordan charted a solo career. From 2020 – 2022 she released a series of digital singles via digital streaming platforms before releasing the 2022 EP All That I Need to Know. Her most recent release is the 2023 EP You Are With Me.

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